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Command Line Options

This section list all the command line option that are available for PCSX2.

General syntax

Usage: pcsx2-qt.exe [parameters] [--] [boot filename]

Parameter list:

  -help: Displays this information and exits.
-version: Displays version information and exits.
-batch: Enables batch mode (exits after shutting down).
-nogui: Hides main window while running (implies batch mode).
-elf <file>: Overrides the boot ELF with the specified filename.
-gameargs <string>: passes the specified quoted space-delimited string of launch arguments.
-disc <path>: Uses the specified host DVD drive as a source.
-logfile <path>: Writes the application log to path instead of emulog.txt.
-bios: Starts the BIOS (System Menu/OSDSYS).
-fastboot: Force fast boot for provided filename.
-slowboot: Force slow boot for provided filename.
-state <index>: Loads specified save state by index.
-statefile <filename>: Loads state from the specified filename.
-fullscreen: Enters fullscreen mode immediately after starting.
-nofullscreen: Prevents fullscreen mode from triggering if enabled.
-bigpicture: Forces PCSX2 to use the Big Picture mode (useful for controller-only and couch play).
-earlyconsolelog: Forces logging of early console messages to console.
-testconfig: Initializes configuration and checks version, then exits.
-setupwizard: Forces initial setup wizard to run.
-debugger: Open debugger and break on entry point.
--: Signals that no more arguments will follow and the remaining
parameters make up the filename. Use when the filename contains
spaces or starts with a dash.


Launching a game from command line

D:\PCSX2\pcsx2-qt.exe -fullscreen -batch -- D:\Games\ROMs\PS2\Final Fantasy X.iso

The ISO file Final Fantasy X.iso will be launched in fullscreen automatically after PCSX2 is started.

Automatically start PCSX2 in Big Picture mode

D:\PCSX2\pcsx2-qt.exe -fullscreen -bigpicture

This will automatically launch PCSX2 in Big Picture Mode.