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137 posts tagged with "devblog"

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Hot Shots Contest!

· 3 min read

A lot is going on at the moment, behind the scenes - quietly in dark dank corners of the world, zerofrog barely ever blinking is re-writing the eeREC and vuREC...

PCSX2 - New Site, New Features!

· 2 min read

We're back!! Over the past three weeks you may of noticed that this site was nothing more than some panties with a BBL sign (didn't saqib's body look hawt) or a daft reference to PCSX3!

PCSX2 0.9

· One min read

Yes folks PCSX2 0.9 is here, by no means gracefully, but it is here!

PCSX2 Rocked The Expo At Fast-Nu

· One min read

Update to the "Software Expo at FAST-NU" news posted previously. PCSX2 won the Grand Prize ! - Best software out of 48-50 entries! It had an audience of 200 in just two days!

Software Expo + Misc

· One min read

PCSX2 Beta v0.9 is going to be on display at FAST-NU Lahore, Pakistan by Saqib Akhtar (One of the main developers) on the 24th and 25th of March, 2006.

Final Fantasy X And Beyond!

· One min read

ZeroFrog has once again been working on PCSX2, and has managed to fix the once present 'holes' in the terrain models of Final Fantasy X , making the game look excellent. This fix also has a wide range of effects on other games, so don't worry folks there will be news soon which doesn't involve a Final Fantasy ! 😛

Guide Updates

· One min read

Yes i know this wasn't what people were expecting of an update from the PCSX2 site,but small news is better than no news 😛 After some bugging by Falcon4ever,i sat down and fixed all 200 errors( 😛 ) that were preventing the configuration guide from being XHTML compatible 😊 You can check the validity by pressing the XHTML button at the bottom of the page. So if anyone had problems with it with the browser they were using,there is a good chance that its fixed now.Note that all the translations have been made using the old html file so unfortunately they are not XHTML compatible.